Can you survive the ever-growing use of technology in the workplace

The working environment changing, do you have enough skill sets to adapt to the change? Can you survive the ever-growing use of technology in the workplace? Are you able to...
Posted in Career tips   •   Lifestyle tips
May 31, 2022

The working environment changing, do you have enough skill sets to adapt to the change?

Can you survive the ever-growing use of technology in the workplace?

Are you able to learn about new technology and use it for your benefit?

The skills that will guarantee a successful career in the future are very different from what was needed just a decade ago.

If you want to keep up with the world of work, you will need to maintain a high level of skill.

This means learning new skills, updating old ones and being willing to change direction if necessary.

• What are the skills you need?

• What are the skills you have?

• How can you learn new skills?

• How can you use your existing skills to make yourself more valuable to an employer?

“The job market is competitive, but that’s not all. Your skills and talents can be put to work in many different ways. You have to find the right opportunity for your personality, motivation, and interests.”

It was very difficult for me to understand why I was struggling so much after a few months of working full-time. It was not until I started to write down my thoughts and feelings that I began to realize there were two problems. First of all, my workplace was a very high-pressured environment and it took me a while until I got used to it. Secondly, my lack of understanding of how the workplace operates caused me a lot of stress as well. As a result, all kinds of problems occurred such as getting sick too often and having trouble sleeping at night. In addition, I had a hard time balancing work with family life because I did not know how much work I could get done in one day or what kind of priorities should be given first when working on multiple projects at once. Lastly, the communication style among co-workers was different from mine which caused some misunderstandings between us from time to time even though we were both willing to help each other out whenever possible.

As a result, I was very stressed out and exhausted at the end of each work day. Sometimes, I even felt like giving up. However, I did not give up and decided to look for help. The first thing I did was try to solve my problems by myself. To deal with the high-pressured environment and communication difficulties at work, I opened a small notebook where I wrote down my daily thoughts and feelings so that I could analyze them later on when needed. Secondly, with the help of a co-worker who has been working in this field for several years already, we set up some ground rules for me to follow such as planning out my day in advance and getting enough rest after work every day so that my mind would be fresh when working on new projects in the morning.

Next, we started talking about different topics regarding work such as how much work should be done in a day or how to prioritize different tasks so that they can be finished on time without sacrificing quality of work too much. In addition, we talked about how to handle problems more effectively because sometimes we were both frustrated when conflicts occurred between us due to our communication style differences. Last but not least, we talked about what kind of support each other could provide if one of us got sick or had trouble sleeping at night due to stress from work.

In addition to these self-help strategies that helped me improve my situation at work significantly over time

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