How to write a resume/cv the the correct way

How to write a resume/cv the the correct way Writing a resume for your profile is very crucial because it determines whether you get hired or not. It is like...
May 25, 2022

How to write a resume/cv the the correct way

Writing a resume for your profile is very crucial because it determines whether you get hired or not. It is like the first impression of a person. A resume is a written summary of your skills and experience which includes your academic qualifications and professional experience. You can make your resume stand out by mentioning facts about yourself that are unique and interesting. A resume has to be very precise, clear and concise. It should be written in such a way that the employer pays attention to it from the word go. A resume is not just a piece of paper; it is an advertisement for you as well as your skills, so keep this in mind while writing one.

Writing a Resume/CV

The first thing you need to do before writing a resume or cv is to create an outline of all the things you want to include in it. This will help you write each section properly and in detail without any confusion or haste.

Make sure that your contact number and email address are clearly mentioned on the top right corner of your CV/Resume, so that employers can contact you easily if they are interest in you.

Writing a Resume (CV)

A resume, also known as curriculum vitae, is an overview of your education and work experience. It is usually based on the chronological order and highlights your career highlights.

A resume has two purposes, one to get you an interview and the other to help you get your dream job. The most important thing you need to remember while writing a resume is to make it look professional and simple. The language used in a resume should be clear, precise and unambiguous so that the employer can understand all the points without any difficulty.

The following are some tips which will help you write a professional looking CV/Resume:

• List all your skills such as communication skills, computer skills etc in bullet form at the end of each section under education. This will help highlight those skills which are relevant for the job position you are applying for.

• Try to list out all your achievements from college or university in bullet form instead of writing long paragraphs about them. This will save time as well as space on your CV/Resume. • List out all awards or scholarships received during college or university after listin g all your achievements. This will make your resume look more presentable and professional. • Mentioning the name and designation of the person who referred you for the job position is a good idea as it shows that you have some connection with the company or have some inside information about it. • Do not include your personal information such as age, marital status, gender etc in your CV/Resume. This will make it look more professional and less cluttered. • If you are applying for a job which requires a specific degree, mention it in bold letters at the top of your resume/CV. This will highlight that fact that you have met all the requirements of the job position and also will help you get an interview call from the employer. • It is always good to talk to people who are already working in a company before applying for a job there so that you can get an idea about what kind of work atmosphere does it have, how is their work environment like etc. You may also ask them about any tips or advice they may give which can help you get a job in their company.

• Be aware of any cultural differences related to communication style if you are going to apply for jobs abroad .

• If possible try to make two different resumes or CV’s one containing all your skills and qualifications relevant for US jobs and other one containing all those things which are relevant for jobs in UK or any other European country . It might help if companies abroad do not understand everything written out all academic achievements under education section. • Write down any additional courses which may be relevant for the job position like foreign languages, computer courses etc., if they are more than 5 years old than mention them separately under work experience section along with dates attended in brackets like (2007-2008). • Write each section with care because employers usually spend only 20 seconds scanning through each applicant’s profile before deciding whom to call for an interview or even reject without any further thought process.

Written Resumes vs Oral Resumes:

An oral resume has more value than written resumes because employers get a chance to know about an applicant personally rather than reading something which might be untrue or fabricated by the applicant. An oral interview gives them insight. Go get them!

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